Hope Restored

Last week, a message from the Hudson Institute of Coaching hit home. Michael Hudson, the CEO, beautifully highlighted the importance of cultivating hope and intention in doing so. It reminded me of the power of hope and the incredible impact it had on my life during my darkest moment.

He wrote: “The visionary Angela Davis once said: ‘Well, you know, we need hope. We can’t do anything without optimism. My friend Mariame Kaba, who is part of the prison abolitionist movement, says hope is a discipline. Our job is to cultivate hope, and that is what I always try to do.’ As we march into a fresh new year, how might we all be more intentional about cultivating hope in ourselves and in our communities?”

This message took me back to a pivotal moment in my life—a severe spine injury from surfing. After a successful surgery, complications arose, leaving me uncertain about my future. I was devastated and desperately began searching for alternative options.

I met with numerous specialists, feeling lost, scared, and disheartened, until I encountered three extraordinary doctors. They didn't just offer medical expertise; they were my partners and coaches that reignited my hope. Throughout my 18-month rehabilitation journey, they supported my goal to surf again. I came out of every single appointment with a renewed sense of hope that I was going to get back on a surfboard. I left their offices with a sense of comfort that I wasn’t alone. Fast forward to today, thanks to these incredible doctors, I’ve regained most of functions and am back in the water, surfing regularly! This journey taught me the immeasurable value of finding allies who empower and inspire hope within us.

When challenges seem insurmountable, it's inevitable to feel frustrated or overwhelmed. We feel stuck, don’t know how to take the first step, or are not even sure what step to take. My story is about health, but challenges can show up and knock us out of balance in many areas of our lives. Having someone who truly “sees you as you are” and walks beside you can be incredibly transformative. Working with a coach that empowers you to cultivate hope in yourself, you can gain clarity, break down a barrier, navigate complexity with confidence, and achieve your goal.

Fast forward to today, thanks to these amazing doctors, I’m back in the water, surfing regularly! This journey taught me the immeasurable value of finding allies who empower and inspire hope within us.

As you face your challenge head on, how will you be more intentional about restoring hope for yourself? 

Kay Hughes Surfing

san diego, california





My Secret as a Professional Coach