People Shine When Given the Chance

As leaders, you often find yourselves in positions of authority, expected to provide guidance, direction, and solutions. We’re all guilty of inadvertently cutting off others in mid-sentence, assuming what they need, and offering our opinions. Especially for leaders, it’s a missed opportunity for building connections with those that work for you, with you, and beyond.

Imagine the impact you could have if you truly listened—to set aside your agendas and focus entirely on the voices around you. When someone speaks, resist the urge to interrupt or dismiss their thoughts. Instead, give them your full attention.

1.     Acknowledge their perspectives.

2.     Ask questions to clarify.

3.     Confirm what you think you’ve heard.

4.     Stay curious to learn more.

5.    Challenge your own assumptions.

6.     Explore what is not being said.

7.     Share appreciation for their openness.

You’ll build bridges that connect us all by understanding, empathizing, and respecting what matters to those around you.

So, I encourage you, leaders, to make a conscious effort to prioritize listening in your daily interactions. The most impactful gesture you can offer to your team is to be fully present.

When you help others feel seen and heard, you empower them to share their gifts.

As a result, the collective team achieves greater success.




What Is Your Purpose?


Shifting Perspectives